
born in


These companies are all responsible, in their own way, for the fabrication of fraudulent valuations in the stock market. Therefore if you have the means, and the cunning, it is your obligation to take advantage of that. There are trillions of dollars of market cap here which needs to be erased. So do it, already.

Why Dievest?

graffiti art

The American financial system is a series of cons and swindles that must be untied like a large knot of cheap costume jewelry. When crimes like this unravel, there are often suicidal ramifications. To alleviate the pressure of economic collapse, Dievest encourages people to deflate their egos, as well as their portfolios.

A market correction
for the people

The bloated nature of every major index, and all of America’s most “valued” companies has deteriorated people’s capacity for understanding what things ought to be worth. Too many conflicts of interest exist at the most important levels of our system to have it correct itself. That’s why I’m here.

86ing section 230

While “social media” (aka message board) companies and others hide behind this piece of legislation, it actually does not apply to them in any real or meaningful way. Since all digital avenues of mass media are clogged with their polluted business models, street art installations have become a necessary means to put these mutilated software platforms in their place.

fight, with the 1st
amendment 1st

On one side of the American political system are idiots who rioted and fought cops chanting about income inequality which is not controlled by law enforcement. On the other side are self-centered gun-toting do-nothings who would rather risk life in prison for killing somebody accidentally than drawing on a street sign because it’s “vandalism.” It costs $10 per instance of graffiti for a city to remove it. Most tax-payers don’t even care. So chill.

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If you’re a fan, that’s fine. Haters need not apply. But mostly let’s talk about money.