
Old COVID-19 News Is Still Unbelievably Relevant

Know Your History

Our society got organized around COVID-19 news years ago, and it hasn’t stopped since. But a counter-intuitive truth has emerged. Rather than constant updates providing the most accurate information. These days the most important bits of COVID-19 news happened so long ago nobody can really remember them. There has been a very concerted effort to erase from memory, what happened on June 11, 2020.

“U.S. economy entered recession in February 2020” is the headline. Traditionally speaking, the National Bureau of Economic Research is the decision-making body that declares a recession. They are the authority that those who deal with recessions professionally speaking, are supposed to listen to. They said, in the Summer of 2020, that we entered a recession in February 2020, but they said it months later.

Poterba went on to declare this recession only lasted two months, the shortest in history. But that declaration was published on July 19, 2021, over a year later. It took them over a year to make this determination. However, as Poterba has said himself, they have no crystal ball. That means they couldn’t predict if another recession would be imminent, less than a year later, to wipe out the momentary illusion of an end to the actual downturn in economic activity. I think it’s safe to say at this point, that markets and media move a hell of a lot faster than this collection of very intelligent, but detached professionals.

Back in 2019, James Poterba was also asked how to define a recession:

“The two quarter rule could get you into some difficulty,” would be an understatement today. He goes on to describe essentially the exact economic conditions you would need to cause a recession without what would be historically understood markers. Almost a playbook for using COVID-19 news for manipulation.

What Do You Call Back-To-Back Recessions?

So if we entered a recession in 2020, and we are about to enter a recession again (or as some believe we are already in one) was there any point between February 2020 and February 2022, that we were not in a recession? Despite the long-tail determination by Poterba, similarly to the COVID-19 news never “declaring the pandemic over,” if nobody declared the 2020 recession over with enough time before the next one began, did it ever really end? That means we have just been in a years’ long recession that is universally understood to be continuing into, and through next year. I mean what would you call that?

A depression. That would mean we entered a depression at the beginning of 2020 while Donald Trump was still President. Despite the fact that the former President said we would be in a “depression like you’ve never seen” if Joe Biden got inaugurated, the actual economic signals suggest that Trump created the conditions for a depression. The news was incapable of discussing the reality of a depression in 2020 because of COVID-19 news panic, election mania, and stock market scam manipulation frauds at a scale never before seen in history. But the depression continues today.

If you look at this historical data provided by Google, you can see a very clear pattern in the economic recessionary activity of the 21st century. There are (3) recessions to look at, if you believe Poterba, or (1) recession, and (1) depression, if you are living in the present. The first peak in any of these cases is from insiders or financial industry types who are beginning to see the signs first. They then eventually move their position to avoid damage, and stop talking about recession. That is why you see a sharp dip after the initial peak of search interest in the term. After about a year, they tell their clients to make the same moves. Eventually it becomes commonplace that nearly everybody knows we’re in a recession once people start getting their faces ripped off so to speak, so there is no reason to search for that specific question anymore. In the case of the most recent depression, we now see (3) peaks, each with increasingly higher relative interest. But we have no search data on depressions from history.

Historical Data's Value Has Broken Down

That means nobody, not even the technology Gods at Google, have a clue of what people would be thinking or looking for in times of an undeclared economic depression. That is likely one of the unspoken reasons why their own stock is suffering right now. There is also no precedent for how a depression would look in a world with the internet. Word travels a lot faster than it did when radio communications were highly regulated and controlled by government and businesses; not really by citizens.

Perhaps it will take 100 years before this depression looks exactly like the one from nearly 100 years ago.

But for the time being, the writing is on the wall.

Prepare Yourself For What Already Happened

This may become “The Greatest Financial Crisis” in history. Or some other such name to indicate the severity of what has transpired here, which has yet to be reported. Too many people think it is better to delay, or deny, rather than acknowledge, and admit. I do not say this because I inherently desire for the world economy to crash down. It is merely a statement of fact, and if we endeavor to escape the hell of this depression, acknowledging what it is will be a necessary first step.

Remember this COVID-19 news clip of Jim Cramer & Larry Kudlow promoting COVID-19 to the stock market? If you missed it, here is the CNBC piece full interview when Kudlow was White House advisor.

Larry Kudlow, Jim Cramer, Dave Faber, and Carl Quintanilla of CNBC promote COVID-19 news as a stock buying opportunity live on air March 6, 2020. Watch the entire 20 minute clip.

History will study how COVID-19 news spread as compared to the spread of any actual respiratory illnesses or airborne viral particles. People in the future will find that the spread of information about the spread of viruses spread faster than the actual spread of any viruses, which retarded our understanding as society with respect to how viruses actually spread. For now, we just need to sort through the mess. It is incredibly important now that people fully understand the interconnectivity between COVID-19 news and economically dangerous conditions. The causal correlative relationship between reporting on “the coronavirus” and our stock market’s outlet, for example, is inextricably linked, and has been for almost 3 years now. But nobody understands exactly how that happened because they don’t watch old news.

Three days after Kudlow’s interview on CNBC, this happened:

COVID-19 news on CNBC, March 9, 2020 continued to describe the massive sell-off that occurred in the stock market. Remember, the stock market “pandemic low” for the Dow Index was March 20, 2020. It plummeted losing over 35% in a matter of weeks. Directly attached to panic spreading from COVID-19 news, markets were being pulled like puppet strings by newscasters across the world saying the word.

Before the Dow’s bottom, trading paused temporarily from concerns it would be worse than Black Monday in 1987. News coverage shows a major decline in all indexes at once. Confidence in the idea that a stock market would be essential during a global pandemic careened since nobody had ever really considered it before. Who could actually use this crisis to make money? The world wondered.

March 16, 2020 stocks were halted, thanks to all the Americans “buying the dip,” as Kudlow encouraged them to do repeatedly on CBNC weeks earlier.

After the bottom, Cramer and his colleagues were hard at work making this crisis work for the American people. Perhaps for the first time in history, the pitch to Americans was simple: there will only be 1 game in town (the stock market) during this life-altering event, and if you don’t get in, you will be swallowed up.

Cramer, knowing the market likely entered a recession in February, brazenly continues to tell people that opportunities lie ahead, despite also telling his audience the market was more oversold than ever before.

While the world stared at the Capitol event on January 6, 2021 and Congress word-vomited about it for over 18 months straight, the news was occupied with coverage of this inane charade. That meant the COVID-19 news brigade could also march right along, and nobody would utter the word “depression” because the words “insurrection,” “democracy,” and other political phrases were more keyed on. But depression loomed, and became deeper. But Trump was right, it was a depression like we’ve never seen before. Mostly because we literally didn’t see it – covered on the news at least. At least, not covered on the news as an actual economic depression. But make no mistake, that is what we are in – right now.

If Markets & Media Colluded Together, You Must Oppose Them Both Equally

CNBC may never make this correction, because the error was theirs in large part. You won’t hear Kudlow admit defeat. Republicans won’t blame Trump. Democrats might blame Biden, but they won’t concede that he failed to defeat a news story (COVID-19 news) they will say he failed to defeat a virus. That is COVID-19 news delusion at its finest. Both sides of the political spectrum convinced themselves they are at odds, when they are just on different angles of the same broken image. An ideological artifice worshipped by conservatives and liberals alike. Some people believe that is genuine unity.

You don’t get out of a depression by flooding more COVID-19 news.

Nobody stopped being depressed by calling it something else, either.

The truth is, COVID-19 news has to stop, and real news has to begin again. Unfortunately, our current news industry is more guilty than they are incapable. Many of the people in positions of power to dictate narratives are extremely intelligent, and potentially willing. But they are also so petrified to be on the receiving end of actual scrutiny that they cling to safe havens like Twitter where they act like they perpetually deal with conflict. Social media has just provided COVID-19 news with more fodder.

Stop Waiting For Others To Declare Your Financial Or Psychological Status For You

You don’t even need an authority to “declare” a depression if you read the signs and look around you at all. More people are being diagnosed (and prescribed pills for) being emotionally disturbed and psychologically depressed than ever before in history. This is impacting children at an alarming and disturbing rate that parents & educators continue to act perplexed about. The economic conditions for ignoring a financial depression are rigidly in place, but they are perpetuated by the interpersonal depression conditions that plague families, friend groups, school systems, and workplaces.

That won’t end until you go back, and have news companies take responsibility for their part in propping up Big Pharma’s crisis inflation machine. Turning a novel typographical error into the world’s most dangerous virus – with words alone. I know that millions of people have and will die with the word “COVID-19” coded on their chart. Their insurance companies will agree, so will the state. But it is unconditionally false, and dangerous to keep in place. Watch the old news clips. See what this was.

Don’t deny it just because it makes you feel better to think COVID-19 news didn’t swindle you too.

You got conned. They “got” you. It happened. The only way out, is through, though. So go though.

Prior to COVID-19 news declaring a pandemic, and prior to the recession of 2020 being declared, the nation was headed towards a financial reckoning. Many of the companies who are massively down over the last 18 months have never been worth what their market capitalization suggested. That is why they got corrected first. But other companies in the healthcare sector like Merck, Moderna, et al are responsible for enabling this with their drugs and treatments, most of which were unnecessary. Those companies have yet to feel the pain of this. Once they do, they will be screaming there is a depression in the economy (that had nothing to do with them I’m sure) to explain why their own stocks are down 50%.

Reconstruction Has To Take Place Eventually

It might take until 2023 for them to do that, but it will then prove we had 3 total years of downturn after a phony recovery perpetrated by Obama in 09′. His recovery looked epic, but was all a sham. Trump took that ball and ran with it in his own direction, then passed it off to Biden. These men have a media-fueled feud like heroes and heels in wrestling. But they feed the same beast and profit the same ways off the public markets. All of these men collectively were profiting from their own investments during this depression – that is until the bubble they were inflating popped. Now they are all scrambling too.

The only good news, or silver lining here, is the fact that unlike most stock market manipulation based recessions, a lot of retail customers got out before their money managers could assume their typical position. That has left the discussion of “bear market rallies” on the table for far too long, assuming eventually retail investors will be duped back into the market without any major correction taking place. I think the clinging to TikTok proves that Wall Street is still hoping to cash in on teenagers and their grandparents. But those teenagers are not going to work, because they have no skills, because the last 3 years of their high school education was retarded by healthcare workers and state officials who knew nothing about medicine or what COVID-19 actually is.

And that, is depressing.

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