
Burn Down Wall Street’s Toxic House Of Index Cards

Beware Of Index Card Sharks

You’ve heard of a house of cards. Imagine a house of cards made out of index cards. Now think of those index cards as representing stock indexes. That’s a house of index cards. When that falls down, the economic repercussions breach contagion in a way that no person alive has ever actually seen before. It is made even worse by the fact that the major indexes are further distributed, chopped up, segmented, or otherwise packaged in slightly different ways at various price points – all over the market. So you continuously sell & resell the same thing, as if they are different things – until you can’t anymore.

Fuck The Xperts

The implosion of FTX was inevitable. Their being the “Lehman Brothers” moment of this economic downturn may be true. Only history will tell that. Being that this is the largest loss in the “crypto” market I think it stands to reason that from the perspective of that industry, it will be nearly impossible to avoid. It is also strange to think of FTX like a bank, because FTX never had any real assets. Lehman did a lot of dirty deals (like they all did) but at the end of it there were homes. FTX bought servers, or leased them.

In the case that FTX leased server space, there is no physical value to the company whatsoever. That should be a lesson to all people, that if a website or software company does not produce anything, and they do not own the servers their publication is on, and they go bankrupt – creditors get screwed. It all happened because of – margin calls. Who knew that the first place people would collect from were the riskiest, dumbest asset on Earth. The meme stocks will be next, but not the ones you think. Tesla is definitely in for a reckoning, and not just because Elon bought Twitter. Others are memes you think became blue chips – but never did: Apple, Microsoft, Berkshire Hathaway. All of them are coming down before your eyes. It doesn’t matter if you believe it or not. Nobody cares if you want it or not. It’s done.

Take Notes, On A Blank Index Card

You could line the index cards back up again, and try to make another house – like the rally today. But nobody has any blueprints for the future of the American economy. Our domestic politicians have no clue. Foreign adversaries don’t even know how to manipulate our system for a profit anymore. It doesn’t work for working class people, and it isn’t working for the financial elite anymore. But still, some people cling to irrational confidence that somebody else will fix it. There is just no more money in fixing a broken machine. Just like our elders got mistreated in 2020-2021 and the population got decreased. The money supply needs to be put on ventilators and then have the plug pulled on it. Say bye to your ill-gotten gains.

There are plenty of ways to operate a company reputably. If the leaders in your organization can’t or won’t do it, then you need to find a way to remove them and replace them. Or leave your organization so you don’t have to live with the conflict. Just stop drinking it down or popping pills to numb the thoughts away. They won’t go away. You have to confront this. Don’t Fear The Reaper, face the devil head on.

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