
Why Doesn’t Trump Get Social Media Yet?

Trump Sucks At Social Media, Don’t Trip

People often say Donald Trump is great with social media. But the fact he is still protesting to be let back on this dying platform is proof he doesn’t get it. Being banned from Twitter.com is nothing to go to court over. Getting banned from Twitter.com is something celebrities like Donald Trump have the luxury of using as ways to generate attention for themselves. It works because of other Twitter.com addicts.

Notice, Donald Trump is still occupying a lot of people’s headspace and he isn’t allowed on there. The FBI investigates whatever at his house and people go crazy. The January 6th thing is still on TV all the time. Because Trump is really masterful at controlling the press and TV broadcasters. Those people may use Twitter.com but he doesn’t even need to be there in order for them to do the work he wants.

If He Were Smart He Would’ve Done Something About This Years Ago

Donald Trumps’ reported net worth is approximately $3 Billion. If he were serious about social media he would liquidate 10% of his net worth ($300,000,000) and get a loan for $3 Billion to invest in social media which is how much Facebook, Twitter, and Snap all basically raised to get going. Don’t get me wrong, that’s way too much money to launch a goddamn website. But still, that’s how it was done.

Trump has begun launching his own website that nobody cares about, and I can see why without even looking at it. There is nothing new or novel about it. No actual debates about politics go on, it’s all the same trash news media type nonsense that people hate now. It was fun for a while to have every single journalist out there essentially making Weekend Update type reports about the facts of our days, but I think after about a decade of candy corn media people are ready for a hard hitting reality.

There is no reason to fight to be able to publish media on Twitter.com when you are so rich you could easily communicate with the public via other channels built or leased on one’s own. Donald Trump should actually know this, so it’s odd to see him behaving this way. It’s not odd to see Donald Trump behaving like a spoiled brat. It’s odd to see him not recognize a way to make something for dirt cheap himself (well, I guess it’s hard with trade relations vs. China nowadays) or make the competition unheard.

…How It’s Going

Instead, the former President of the United States of America, and one of the nation’s 20th Century financial heroes to millions of people, is fighting over the right to publish content on a website he doesn’t even own (does he). In 2023, that is going to look more dumb than you can possibly imagine. People are just still brainwashed from the Silicon Valley kool-aid mix that got passed around the financial markets convincing people they were reinventing the internet. “Web 3?” Give me a fucking break.

Donald Trump’s legacy will be distracting the public with nonsense of television, and social media websites, while he ran up the scoreboard on an already flimsy economy until it broke. Then, he used Operation Warp Speed to mask the actual recession from February 2020, which has persisted since then. Despite attempts to cover it up, or delay it, or pretend it’s a shock, the markets will be coming to a grinding halt soon enough and it has nothing to do with the Fed’s policy really. They are way too slow.

It is pathetic to see Donald Trump & Kanye West at the same level of notoriety, doing the same things to cling to relevance at the same time. What a fall from…grace isn’t the right word. But you know what I mean. The Republican party and the Democrat party work on the same stock exchanges. That is a revelation that the American people really need to wake up to. Presidents are the same way, too.

Politics Aside, There Will Be Less Divide

The illusion is that these political parties attempt to do anything different from one another. When the mid-terms have been reported, you still hear the same old narratives from both sides that don’t make any sense. “Election deniers” are not believed, and have been “widely discredited” for so long that it doesn’t even make sense to try to have that argument anymore – which was their intent. On the other side there are people who know something weird happened in 2020 but have believed all of the wrong people about that including Donald Trump himself.

Either Trump doesn’t know why he lost or he threw the election like a prize fighter in their last bout.

January 6th was largely produced and distributed through social media websites. You can blame Trump for the whole thing if you want and you might be right, but his opposition has had even more fun with it so you have to admit that they’re milking it also. In the end, the damage done that day was actually so nominal it should barely be regarded in news coverage. However, news media have made this day of course, all about themselves in the process. An “attack on Democracy” by people too dumb and uneducated to understand what it would have actually taken to stop the certification process.

The point here is that social media is not something to cling to, fight for, or defend. It’s a phrase that doesn’t actually have any legal standing. It distracts from what these websites really are. Time will show that, but people like Donald Trump really need to get the hint already. Somebody talk to your boy…

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