
Berkshire Hathaway Is A Big Ponzi Scheme

You Don’t Want To Know What Berkshire Hathaway Is

Berkshire Hathaway is not a genuine investment. You can’t do anything with it but sell it, hoping to sell it for more money. The company itself owns pieces of real businesses, but they do not offer a dividend to stockholders of BRK-A. You can see plenty of videos where Warren Buffett and Charles Munger deride the concept of dividends and insult the business schools where they teach it’s a good idea to give people a return for being a stockholder. That’s because Buffett & Munger are running a Ponzi.

Berkshire Hathaway is worse than cryptocurrency from that perspective. There is no limit to what Warren Buffett can invent in terms of value for his own stock. If any bank recognizes the value of BRK-A, which by now they all surely do, it can be used as collateral (and has) even though it’s not really worth anything.

Berkshire Hathaway Is Now Warren Buffett’s Word, And Nothing

In the event of bankruptcy, nothing could be liquidated. Just like FTX. Berkshire Hathaway is actually a great thing to study if you want to know how to catch Samuel Bankman-Fried, as opposed to taking a ride on his fantastical fiefdom. It’s also good to study if you want to figure out how to stop the fraud of cryptocurrencies. They are just Ponzi schemes. They call it the “greater fool theory,” but when everybody knows that you have to wonder what the end game looks like. The end game of the greater fool theory is the greatest fool theory: who will be the last sucker to hold the bag of nothing?

Bears Bring It Down To Earth

That is the role of so-called bear investors, who make money in downturns by shaking the trees of falsified valuations, and catching some of whatever falls out. In this particular bubble-popping moment we’re living in, the places where actual money exists and what to do with it has never been less clear. To most people, they still think of “the underlying technology” of “cryptocurrency” valuable. But it really isn’t. There is no new technology involved in what FTX.com did. Warren Buffett’s BRK-A is useless too.

These people get away with things because they play the part of homely or kind, and nobody wants to be the bad guy by calling it out. That is viewed as “being negative,” and “effective altruism” is just the kind of bullshit that puts people off enough to keep quiet about obvious frauds. You’ll hear a lot of people in the aftermath of my successful attack on FTX claim they did it or saw it coming. Because they tweeted about it, or published an article on a pro-crypto blog, they think they had anything to do with the monumental choices made by America’s top margin lending institutions. They did not. I did.

Because I don’t just sit around and blog about these things, I hit the street and take action.

How It’ll All Come Crashing Down Eventually

I communicate directly with the people who need to make decisions, not blasting it out to social media for anybody and everybody to read. There is no value to social media posts, because they can be seen by so many. My private email communications and physical graffiti art are targeted, and intended to incite actual action that impacts the public markets. Expect more of that, even if the press continues to pretend that I do not exist. Their suppression efforts no longer change facts. It only delays inevitabilities.

Berkshire Hathaway is not able to pay out all of its shareholders. Just look at their market capitalization compared to the cash on hand. Compare that to how much personally Buffett claims to have. Then look at his stake in things like Apple, and Bank of America. You’ll quickly see how fast the whole thing could come crashing down. Eventually you will see how fast those things come crashing down in 2023-2024.

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