
Why All Stupid Crypto Bros Share Decentralized IQ

Stupid Crypto Bros Steal Smart Money Together

I don’t have much respect for stupid crypto bros. There used to be fewer of them than there are now but they’re all the same kind of asshole. The Winklevoss Twins? Michael Saylor? Samuel Bankman-Fried? I mean really just look at these people. Especially Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum (aka Cameron & Tyler). If you were to get involved in a financial scheme and found out that the guys who missed out (and then bitched out) on Facebook were at the top of it, you should run the other way. Facebook is a stupid and now-proven-to-be economically anemic idea that should have been a cheap website for colleges. They went to legal war over it and never got over that L. Their whole schtick is being late to the wrong parties.

Two Dummies Don’t Make You Right

Winklevoss Brothers are the perfect poster children for stupid crypto bros. They went to an Ivy League school because their Daddy is rich. Their intelligence is just sharp enough to get an MBA or whatever degree they got at Harvard, which is basically the University of Phoenix to me. I don’t give a single solitary fuck where you went to school or what degree you have. If you can’t actually walk any walk professionally speaking, or you didn’t learn to become a better human being, it was just a really expensive networking experience your parents paid for. Don’t let a degree fool you ever again.

Microphallus Strategy

Michael Saylor is one of those stupid crypto bros who gets really high & mighty criticizing people in his industry who expose the exact kind of jerk off that he is. But while trying to answer for how he is in any way different than somebody like SBF, Saylor always goes beet red and starts spinning around in circles.

Think about it, though. You don’t need to have a genius IQ in order to run a computer program that cracks a code like the most boring video game ever. All you need to be able to do is parrot the same (3-4) talking points about inane differences between tokens or exchanges in this new role playing game I wish would just finally end. The only way this dumb Ponzi continues is that people like Saylor and the Tinklevoss duo trade their fake currency between each other, inflating the valuation of it in the process. I can’t even believe people allow it to go on anymore.

Crypto Isn’t Cool, It’s For Scumbags & Morons

But between the top (10) losers who push these retarded cheat codes to nothing, they all only need to have an IQ of 20 to combine total the most genius person alive. However, talking to any single one of them and you feel like your brain is just being infected by a virus. That’s because it’s practically single-cell-organism-level logic that goes nowhere. Not one single person who is involved in cryptocurrency in any way should be taken seriously. Any person who ever was involved in it needs to financially repent and that’s what you’re seeing with give-backs from politicians (Beto O’Rourke) and that kind of thing. But this situation has been heartbreaking to see for people.

Watching Kevin O’Leary reveal himself to be a stupid crypto bro, and Larry David is somebody we should look to for investing advice even though he wanted a car periscope once upon a time. That’s a disappointing reality. Kids should no longer watch Shark Tank. Adults shouldn’t either. It was always corny and I had a bad taste in my mouth ever since I learned ABC took (maybe still takes) 2% equity in everything that’s pitched. There are also a number of companies which are really bad, but get investment for some sob story or other weird aspect, and it all looks staged.

I used to be able to watch Shark Tank thinking Kevin O’Leary was a shrewd investor. A guy who was mean sometimes because of how keenly he looked at a business. He always said he only cares about making money. That means either he’s actually dumb, and had people scripting his lines always. Or he is really shrewd, but is still not immune to getting screwed in a mutual Ponzi effort. What a lot of people don’t seem to get, or what they refuse to admit, is that these days people get involved in Ponzi schemes a lot more often willingly. They know they’re invested in basically nothing. The “greater fool” theory has simply transformed into the “greatest fool” theory. People assume they’ll eventually make it out okay.

You Can No Longer Be Neutral About Stupid Crypto Bros – Attack Their Money

That’s because once you get involved in a stupid crypto bro type con, you share your IQ with them in a digital brain trust. Now that there are millions of people involved in this blockchain of intelligence, what you are seeing is that people become effectively brainless in the process. Then, looking at how the computer systems operate in fabricating money, you see a master-slave relationship. Yes, the stupid crypto bro scams are all about enslaving people financially, by stealing their real money, and replacing it with a dashboard on your phone or home computers.

Don’t give your brain away to idiots like Michael Saylor or dumbasses like the Winkleloss twins.

CZ is a perfect name for Binance because he’s got fake diamond hands.

The list goes on, but I won’t give anybody else more airtime.

Fuck em’ all. Every single one of their real dollars. Now.

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