
Why SBF Is Not Afraid Of Prison Yet

I’ll Tell You What SBF Is Not

SBF is not a genius, but he’s a pretty good actor. You can tell that he’s being fed lines when you watch interviews like his Andrew Ross Sorkin play fight at Dealbook. He is literally looking at multiple computer screens like he’s at a trading desk, potentially having multiple people give him things to say. People often forget that we’ve been in a different kind of era for a while. Rather, they forget that the era we were in has actually come to an end. Remember, people like Donald Trump spent time as the President of the United States getting press about tempting nuclear war with North Korea on Twitter.com. The truth is there is absolutely no solid evidence whose hands were actually typing those threats, or responding to them.

Infodemics Are Ironically, Underreported On

You have to understand what an infodemic actually is, if you want to know what SBF is and what SBF is not doing. SBF is not humbly admitting defeat. He is not even defending himself. He’s doing a whole host of things, but each individual thing is not as important as is the idea that he continues. The point is not about controlling what the narrative is, but rather about what the narrative isn’t – or can’t become. It actually is happening in super slow motion when you see it from the outside. When you’re stuck in constant fixation on what the fraudster says or does, analyzing it, allowing him to guide you, you simply can’t escape the vortex of nonsense. That’s the point. SBF is not giving you an opportunity to think.

What SBF is doing, is jamming as much content into the pipes of information as he possibly can, and in that, he is succeeding. The Department of Justice stepped in, after I connected the dots between the FTC, SEC, and FBI with respect to racketeering activity. Until then, Bankman-Fried had not actually been facing any criminal charges. A bankruptcy itself is not a criminal process. The people you’ve heard complaining about losing money? None of them apparently went to the police. Or FBI. Strange?

Not really. Not when you realize how many people were using FTX to commit their own version of frauds or forgeries. Normal people got in on the action, laundering money or inventing fake collateral for mortgages and credit cards. This kind of liquid crisis of digital “assets” is the real crisis. A silent killer, not the loud story being pumped out at scale. SBF is not afraid of prison yet because he still has control of establishment and underground mainstream media outlets who are usually the ones that inform the public about these type of scenarios. With the press financially conflicted with the public, they will absolutely never be finding anything of use to the real victims of the FTX crimes.

SBF Is Not Going To Get Away With Anything While I’m Around

You will see SBF retreat the moment a legitimate, unplanned, actual opposition executed against him and his actual criminal enterprise – which exists in between his ears more than it does in the Bahamas. That is what people don’t get yet about this kind of scheme. Where it is, who is involved, and all of that – are not answers you would get directly from Bankman-Fried. The press can’t help themselves but to interview him because he can afford the PR to get him in, and the press probably was planning on reporting on Bankman-Fried as a success story after the election cycle. Instead, he was turned into a villain…

before the mid-terms were even over. You’re welcome.

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