
How To Create Value In A Hoarder’s Market

We’ve Been Spending Most Our Lives Living In A Hoarder’s Paradise

A hoarder’s market is just like a hoarder’s house. Full of unsellable crap, often times literally covered in disease & toxicity. When people try to help hoarders you often see the sick person justify keeping blankets covered in feces or animal urine. They suggest that somebody might want it one day. It is extremely sad to watch, which is why I can’t tune in to the show anymore. That is also the reason it is becoming increasingly less palatable to listen to people talk about valuations in this current environment.

Meta was valued at over $1,000,000,000,000 at its peak. Now down 32% over the last 5 years (well before “COVID” became a catchall excuse) Meta (aka Facebook.com) is currently valued at approximately $332 Billion. The company has less than 15% capitalized with cash, though.

Admit Defeat

From the outside, you’d say there is nothing left of value here. The users could easily traffic on billions of other websites on the internet. Digital advertising was never especially good on Instagram or any of Zuckerberg’s properties, and journalism has come to a grinding halt incapable of providing news.

If you were helping the market clean out its decrepit assets, you’d be begging people to just throw this away. Unfortunately there were way too many retail investors who got induced to invest, and the money management racket still won’t give it up. Until that all goes away, you’re going to keep seeing oddities.

Fundamentals can’t return during a hoarder’s market. In the process of helping a hoarder, you’re supposed to lead with compassion & understanding. However, in the case of social media companies like Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, and TikTok – what they are hoarding is child pornography & torture movies along with the stolen identification information of nearly every American over the age of 10 years old.

Clean Out That Closet, Bruh

If you were cleaning out a hoarder’s house and they had a computer with child porn on it you’d certainly be contacting the authorities I would hope. However, too many people worked for these companies and never actually blew the whistle on anything that mattered. Meanwhile millions of vulnerable teenagers are buried under tons of this garbage, in the hoarder’s market. You’re trading the lives of children for promised returns on a few websites that have negative market value.

The way to create value in a hoarder’s market is to destroy bad companies, not prop them up. People can’t get that because they’re too indoctrinated in the wrong way of operating. It’ll happen slowly only because of the resistance among the most guilty.

Slowly but surely we are carrying out decaying matter, and throwing it away, out of the public stock exchanges. It will resurface in the private sector of course, but hopefully the lack of attention will slow down progress on the forces intended to degrade society.

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