
Crypto Conflicts of Interest Are Still Looming Large

You Are Surrounded By Crypto Conflicts Of Interest

Crypto conflicts are all around us. You know somebody that has money in cryptocurrencies. That means they have a lot less money than they used to. The people who are “in” the crypto industry are in there for life, destroying real capital and replacing it with imaginary play money. I’m not surprised that big banks are willing to invest in stupid things to try to make money. What I was surprised by until recently is the concept of big banks knowing they are wrong but still investing in losing assets anyway. Then it all dawned on me and I figured it out. At least in part, bankers have conflicts of interest with their bank.

In the housing crisis it happened. Individuals with millions of dollars, who work at banks controlling billions of dollars, sometimes bet against their institution in order to profit personally. It may be difficult to do and I have got to imagine there are a lot of corporate & government safeguards against that. But in all the schemes you could run, that seems like one of the most natural. The problem with crypto is that you don’t know how much money there really is, and there isn’t really any market to sell them off totally.

People who are involved in this scam can just manipulate the currency between themselves for a while until people just kind of lose track. If they are holding this garbage for another 10 years there will be a new crop of sucker retail investors who get involved even against the advice of their parents who will tell them all about the FTX thing. It’s a predictable cycle, especially when you learn that cryptocurrencies failed originally in the 80’s almost exactly as we know them today. Banks got stuck with them already.

Imagine How Conflicted Our Society Actually Is

Then you have to imagine how many different divisions there are in banks: retail, commercial, investment, margin, loan, credit, stock. When all roads lead back to (1) asset class, or commodity, or invisible holding account/exchange, something has to give. That’s what happened at FTX, but cryptocurrencies themselves are nihilistic capital holes. There is nothing there. Getting in is getting gotten.

The only thing to do if you get gotten is to get out or get others.

Michael Saylor? Still trying to get others, like a disgusting pig.

The Wrinklevoss Twins? Pigs on roids.

Kevin O’Leary? Cockroach pig.

No More Mr. Nice, Guys

Anybody standing next to this flaming pile of hot trash is a stinking con artist who should be publicly lambasted out of economic society. People like Mr. Wonderful deserve to become a beggar on the street to learn empathy again. Then he could work his way back to a blue collar job, but never hold more than $10,000 in a single security ever again. Public humiliation for being the sleaziest scumbag of the bunch.

Crypto conflicts are hidden when there is anti-competition surrounding them. People have become better at keeping quiet than you could ever know. There has been such a suppression campaign on the truth most people are afraid to even think anymore. That is terrifying. But I’m here to stop it. Trust me.

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