
Kevin O’Leary Admits FTX Is An AMERICAN Company

Kevin O’Leary Is A Scumbag

Regardless of what SBF claims, and what the media echoes, FTX (i.e. Samuel Bankman-Fried’s criminal enterprise) is an American company. FTX is an American company. It is run in America. Being run by Americans. In America. Yeah, because now that I’ve alerted every relevant federal agency, this shit-bird company run by jerk offs like Kevin O’Leary is being investigated for real. Congress can’t admit a graffiti writer helped them, neither can bankers, nor journalists. Worse – they’re stealing credit for my work.

On CNBC live this morning, a moment ago, Kevin O’Leary said flatly that the reason he & other institutional investors bought in is because Samuel Bankman-Fried (and his parents) are AMERICAN.

End of story. Forget the Bahamas. It’s just a rouse. Forget other international business.

The Bankman-Fried family needs to be able to access the money they’re stealing.

That happens in California, New York, Texas, California, and other US states.

Somebody better call Schwab, Wells Fargo, and Fidelity.

That’s who I forced into margin calls


The Truth Shall Set You Free…

I blew up FTX, not CoinDesk.

Do you truly believe a blog owned by crypto bros would expose something that brought down their entire industry? Believe it if you want. Because if you believed the truth – that a graffiti writer with no financial interest in this goddamn mess took it upon himself to destroy fraudulent lending practices – you might suffer some kind of nervous breakdown. Especially if you’re a reporter. You’ll realize you’re useless.

I am doing the work of the entire American press, on any story important to the American people.

Cowards, whores, and liars run these industries for now. But only for now. I will ruin them all.

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