
The Many Faces Of (Not) John J. Ray III

I Am (Not) John J. Ray III, Either

No man named John Ray had anything to do with the Enron bankruptcy. Not now. Nor ever.

The closest reality to this story is that a man named John H. Ray III handled proceedings related to Kenneth Lay (former chairman of Enron) during post-conviction (long after the bankruptcy was sealed up) litigation. That has been confirmed, by me, with the John H. Ray III. Dozens of people in the press were cc’d on the emails and have had every opportunity to responsibly clean up their disgusting lies.

You Have Been Taken On (Another) Wild Goose Chase

This is not John J. Ray III.
This is not John J. Ray.

Here is the first fake John J. Ray III picture to surface on Reddit. He is positioned against FTX branding and the words “CEO” are used to describe him. Looks pretty legit if you’re a lazy journo with no sense of professional integrity.

But for people like me who don’t buy things on their surface, you have to look deeper. Knowing how many people in the press (most of them) who think they are going to recover money from Bangmen-Fraud, it’s likely that somebody working for NYT or USA Today made this convenient little forgery.

Since the press hides behind the first amendment, they think it’s okay.

But it’s not okay. It’s not okay to publish thousands or millions of website instances of fake people, in order to steal money from the public. Now the press is complicit in this scam, and their own financial ties should be the concern of everybody in the public.

Because even for people in the public that were in on the FTX con, they had no ability to sway others to the scale of anybody in the press, or press outlets.

Here’s another very convincing looking corporate image that the press has been using to scam people.

Getty Images Has Authenticated A Fraud – Again

This is NOT John Ray either.

I’m not sure who this guy is. He could be a lawyer involved in the FTX proceedings. Maybe he was headed to divorce court. That lady in front of him could be his ex-wife for all anybody knows. The only reason you think this is John Ray is because Getty Images doesn’t fact check reporters. Nobody does.

Your News Is Broken Beyond Repair & Only I Can Fix It Now

There is too much airtime getting sucked up right now with yet another fucking Hunter laptop story and it has yet to dawn on the public that they have to reuse this story so many times because the press sucks a large diseased dick at doing their job. This guy may not even know he’s being used as a fake John Ray.

But just because a guy on CNBC says the name John Ray as a bunch of people walk across the screen, it does not mean that whoever the photographers decided is John Ray – is him. There is no John Ray in FTX now, and there never was. That entire thing was yet another lie, and the press writ large is too retarded to understand this. They got swindled once, and they’re getting swindled again.

Fool them once, shame on them. Fool them twice, shame on them again.

Attempt to fool the American people 3 times? Expect a war

of words.

I won’t stop until every last one of you die


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