
Easily Understanding The Fiction Of Neuralink

Neuralink Is Not A Technology Company, It’s A Legal Theory For Acquiring “Tech” Companies

When you are told about Neuralink you are told that your brain will be connected to a computer. Many people have mused about how this kind of technology would work when connecting a human being directly to a website with such fast publishing updates as Twitter.com. There is a thinking that any person using Neuralink connected to Twitter.com would be able to simply think and read, and even actually be able to respond, in real time. Same concept would hold true in email or other communications. But is that what’s really been built? No. The reality is much more boring.

What you have to understand about people like Elon Musk, fraudsters on the public markets, is that they blend lies with the truth seamlessly. For example, any normal person reading the Neuralink website or hearing Elon Musk and the man he put in charge of it, “straight-laced” banker Jared Birchall talk about this, you would absolutely think you’re listening to people talk about surgically implanting machinery into the human brain. That just sounds really expensive. It also sounds unnecessary, but if investors want to give them money to actually try this, I guess that’s not my business.

However, if they aren’t actually building any technology like this whatsoever, and the entire thing is some kind of LARP actually, that should concern everybody. Because the idea that the guy who is building rockets and cars is also trying to connect your brain to a computer literally with wires, is insane. On the other hand, however, if that guy is lying about creating such technology, what would you call that? I guess you’d have to know what he was really doing instead of developing technology like he was promising. So let me take a stab at it, because you have to look carefully.

Remember How Famous Liars Can Be Before They Fall

Before I do that, I shouldn’t have to remind readers of how many rich people or entrepreneuers have later been found to have lied. About everything. Including people like Bernie Madoff who was the chairman of the NASDAQ. Or Elizabeth Holmes, the youngest female billionaire (for a second) from Theranos. Maybe Sam Bankman-Fried is a more appropriate example. It took about 5 years for Bankman-Fried’s scam to fully vest, and implode. Madoff’s took a lot longer. Musk’s fake businesses? To be determined.

One thing to consider, is that if you had no scruples, and didn’t care about honesty – or thought you’d never face consequences – you wouldn’t need to worry about faking something as significant as technology to meld human beings with machines. Leaving aside the moral case against this, the financial consideration then, is how much money you need to convince people you’re doing something worth investing in. If you can trick people, swindling them, and taking them on a ride, they might not notice.

For example, Nikola Corporation founder Trevor Milton famously, and bold-faced lied to a room full of people saying his truck was definitely real when it was absolutely not. Theranos famously claimed to have new technology but were actually slapping their logo on a competitor’s machinery. In their case people got incorrect results, samples got contaminated, and their CTO eventually committed suicide rather than testifying against his former colleagues. A tragic, horrifying tale. It should be cautionary.

Neuralink Is A LARP

Now to the LARP of Neuralink and exactly how lame Elon Musk actually is.

As I’ve proven now, Elon Musk and Twitter’s largest shareholders colluded with employees to a) have Elon Musk illegally inflate the valuation of Twitter, Inc. to $44,000,000,000, and b) pretend to argue about that in Delaware so he could evade complying with the FTC. Something that went largely unnoticed, is the fact that the case was Twitter, Inc vs. Elon Musk – piercing the corporate veil.

Yes, “X-Holdings” was also named. In a merger agreement. That is important. It was not an acquisition into Tesla, Space-X, or even Neuralink. It was a merger between Twitter, Inc. and…Elon Musk – personally. Do you see where this is going, yet? He was attempting to use the courts (and the wrong court at that) to merge with Twitter.com. Yes, that is all Neuralink has ever been. A business strategy to allow Elon Musk to convince himself that he is some kind of computer-person (literally) that is merging with websites. If you were a true believer of Musk, you’d agree with my interpretation, but defend this.

On the other hand, if you are not in the cult of Musk, you should be laughing and/or crying right now.

Stop It, Already

There is no technology called Neuralink and never will be. Elon Musk is not capable of joining human beings with machines in the way Neuralink claims they are even attempting to. His entire farce of a business was designed to allow him to purchase this website and the unlawfully collected citizen dossiers, which include 150,000,000 email address/password/phone number combinations for politicians, journalists, and regular citizens. Celebrities…I mean you know who’s ‘on’ Twitter.com.

Now you’re ‘on’ Elon Musk – in his mind. But why are things going so horribly for him over there right now? Because he actually didn’t even get to complete his nonsensical merger – given the Chancery Court case was torpedoed by yours truly. The case was a fake, he was always going to pay for this website. But due to the LARP breaking down, he can’t really convince himself of what he is doing.

That’s why it makes no sense. He never knew what he was doing and whoever convinced him that he would physically join machinery simply by acquiring a company is a brilliant brainwasher. Maybe that’s Jared Birchall’s real skill. Or there is somebody else behind Mr. Musk who has their metaphorical hands up his puppet butt making him do these weirdo things. Either that, or Musk is a detached billionaire who got way too full of himself and is now getting everything he deserves on every level. His main business is suffering with TSLA stock crashing hardcore. That is where his wealth is actually tied up and he has never delivered anything meaningful there despite sycophants claiming he has.

Audit Elon Musk’s Real Contributions, And Current Valuations

Space-X has only blown money, but provided nothing for society. That’s a fail. Maybe it is 20 years too early. But in the current economic climate, funding (with government subsidies) Elon Musk or any others’ fantasies of Mars is like buying a telescope on Amazon while your entire block is burning down. Bad timing at best, wrong people in charge definitely, and we have a lot more pressing matters on Earth.

In summation, Elon Musk and his team are a bunch of total nerds that are not geniuses. They are losers. I can’t even describe with words how cheesy it is that they thought they could claim they were technologists when they were just using courts to fictionalize human-machine merging.

It’s Wrong To Do What They Did

Back to the moral point, it is an act of genocide to consider fusing human beings with technology in a significant, permanent, or meaningful way. Leaving aside the life-saving technologies that some require for heart valves and the like, fully manufacturing people as if they are machines, or treating people like machines – dehumanizes people. The financial and social effort to push this as an agenda will lead to ultimate death for all human beings – as those who desire that kind of tyranny claim it’s working.

Luckily for all of us, Musk is a moron and nobody around him is even trying to make the science-fiction devices he talks about real. But one day an intelligent person may occupy the same kind of seat he’s in and start talking about these kinds of things with an actual pathway to it. That is not the time we want to begin thinking about whether or not it’s a good idea, and how to implement it if at all. So start opening up your mind to your own imagination, and close your ears to Elon Musk’s interpretation of the law.

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