
I Don’t Give A Truck About TSLA’s New Anything

F*ck TSLA’s & The Inflated Egos That Drive Them

If you genuinely care about TSLA’s stock, I feel sorry for you. With the unveiling of whatever model Musk calls that big hunk of crap he hauled out onto some stage or something, the world is yawning in response. At this point, it’s clear that he can’t even manage a website let alone a car company.

All that’s become obvious is that in general, Elon Musk is an actor, playing the part of a billionaire tech founder. Could be Peter Thiel’s hand up his butt, playing him like a puppet. Maybe it’s just whoever owned the Musk family mines from generations of slave labor. Either way, Elon is a lame.

TSLA’s stock has been in free-fall since before Elon bid for Twitter.com. That’s because the public began to slowly realize that it was nothing but a meme stock, and the idea that TSLA’s are more valuable than GM, Ford, or other actual car companies is ridiculous. But the auto market is also lame.

TSLA’s Aren’t That Special. They’re Also Overpriced.

There is not a car company on Earth right now who is actively pushing normal vehicles. Every single one of them is following Elon Musk’s electric, autonomous vehicle dream off a cliff. If anybody were actually looking to the real future of the auto industry, somebody would try something different. Anything different. You won’t likely find this, though, because of the anti-competitive markets.

Elon Musk is not a genius, TSLA’s are not innovative, and the world one day will be awoken to this.

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