
Kevin O’Leary Is A Co-Conspirator In FTX Racket

You Don’t Have To Be A Racket Scientist…

to know that Kevin O’Leary is a co-conspirator in the FTX racket. If you’re not familiar with rackets, or with racketeering activity, you should bone up on it. While the world has been dazzled by cryptocurrency “technology” and other linguistic cons, the truth is very little happens on the surface here. What I told our American law enforcement agencies (among hundreds of other entities) is that there was a local banking scam going on in nearly every American state. Though the internet has made it very easy potentially to file lots of online banking applications, once you get to the millions or billions of transactional costs, you aren’t getting approved in 2-3 days online. You’re shaking hands.

To purchase equity in a small bank in Washington, somebody had to go to the branch.

O’Leary had more to do with the hedge fund assholes, though. Not small bankers.

Kevin O’Leary Is Now In Control Of The FTX Racket

By the time the FTX racket had taken down a lot of small banks throughout the country, and had made their way up to bigger departments at major banks, O’Leary could play his role. He got the BlackRock type people involved, by convincing them that this was a solid way to rip off retail investors again. He always says it, if you’re listening. Claiming that sophisticated investors either weren’t involved, or they were involved, and somehow they’re both dumb with “egg on their face” (his words) or somehow he and his idiot friends have been waiting for their own investment to explode. To allow regulation. Because as we all know what every banker wants is…regulation. O’Leary is a delusional nut.

But O’Leary bought equity and was “paid” in nonsense coins. He was not just a spokesman. O’Leary wasn’t even just involved with “FTX.” He was involved with West Realm Shire Services, which is one of the companies that has credit cards and bank loans out in all these American regions. By charging Samuel Bankman-Fried with conspiracy charges, the government agencies involved have made absolutely no question about the fact that he did not act alone – despite SBF’s infodemic tour.

Who in their right mind could listen to O’Leary talk about the benefits of cryptocurrencies all while testifying in a hearing about all of those “promises” not coming true? I am in the camp of people (who are right) that say cryptocurrency as a concept is just fraud. However, even if you did believe in this concept, what kind of moron thinks O’Leary is the right guy to usher in the next generation of it? If anything is true, Kevin O’Leary is guilty of complicity in the FTX racket. He must be arrested soon.

If I have anything to do with it – he will.

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