

If you’re good at something, never do it for free.

Stock Marketing ADVICE

Some companies are so good at marketing their stock it’s almost like their entire business is just marketing a stock. But we all know what that would mean, don’t we? The problem with creating a market based on speculation alone and algorithmic decision making is that eventually the human operators lose all control of it. Therefore, we simply must correct the market. Unfortunately, at this point, even at the senior-most levels of the worlds biggest corporations, there is no leadership capable of fixing the problem anymore. They simply drank too much of their own kool-aid. But I have the antidote and it has nothing to do with “ESG” or “woke” anything. Those terms are just this generation’s name for a fundamental problem that stems back to before most of you reading this were even born. But we cannot wait for the ontological virus to be cured before we begin rebuilding our economies. The market just has to learn what a winner really is. And the public has to learn to admit when they got snookered by a loser like Larry Fink.

no bullshit Due Diligence

All the “smart money” in the world is begging for a chance to sit on the sidelines with as much cash as they are capable of taking of their own metaphorical tables. Anybody wasting their breath discussing when/if/and/or/why we might or might not be in an “r word” right now is probably just avoiding their own real depression. But before you raise another round, before you invest another dollar, you really need to learn how to do due diligence. That means scrutinizing the business model, fundamentals, founder’s frequency of lies, and yes even your gut instincts. “Data” is corrupted. All the data you’ve been using from “social media” is bunk. The markets and public have spent nearly 20 years looking in the wrong directions or putting their heads in the sand when it came to Ponzi schemers and that’s why the term “unicorn” should’ve been an indication of the kind of literal fantasy businesses being made. If you don’t know what to think, or where to look, I have some ideas.

Artwork that moves mountains

If you would like to purchase a piece of history, custom artwork can be commissioned for the decoration of buildings both interior and exterior. A few iconic pieces will be commemorated into products, or prints as well, coming soon. For those who understand the true power of Dievest, you will understand that commissioning artwork from me is at an exponentially greater scale than you’ll find if you search for “graffiti writer” on ZipRecruiter. Debate my place in history if you like, but no other vandal in the world took on Wall Street and the money management cabal like Dievest. So the fees will be commensurate with the amount of value that can be created or destroyed. Hanging a DIEVEST piece from your wall, or having it painted directly on the surface, will create a cultural landmark in your establishment or home. But having a PR stunt coordinated with local government, police, and Dievest could result in an exponential uplift in brand awareness while creating a lasting spectacle. Or you could go buy a Snapchat ad. I hear they’re cheap.

want to work with the trillion dollar bear?

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