
The App Store Has Nothing To Do With Free Speech

Don’t Fear The App Store, People

Elon Musk complaining about the app store not carrying his app is a publicity stunt. Tim Cook is involved and so is Apple. Because both companies, and CEO’s, are fruitless hacks with no talent or creativity. The entire notion that Twitter has anything to do with free speech in the first place is horrifying. But that’s apparently where we’re at in society now. If you didn’t have the “app” for Twitter, do you know how difficult it would be to access the website? You’d just make a shortcut on your phone for Twitter.com.

That’s it. It’s that easy. All the app is, is a portal into the website domain so you can publish or read content. If you wanted to publish content you could start your own website using Wix or Squarespace which require virtually no ability in web development. That is, of course, if you had anything worth publishing, which you don’t. That’s why you lurk on Twitter.com or publish nonsense echoes of somebody else’s points that you’re parroting to feel like you’re involved with something.

First of all, Twitter.com has over 150,000,000 users yet has never been profitable. They never figured out a pay-per-view model. No advertisers were spending big there in any official ways, either. But $100/year from those users for anything at all would generate $15 Billion in annual revenue. That is also approximately how much you should expect advertisers in aggregate might want to pay for attracting this audience. But again, you don’t need to have anybody else download the goddamn iPhone app anymore. That’s not required for a social media website to operate. They know that, just like I do.

You’re More Free To Speak Than You Even Know

Free speech has gotten watered down so far you don’t even know what you’re saying.

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