
The Criminal Conspiracy of FTX As We Know It Now

Now that the Southern District of New York has officially filed criminal charges, alleging 8 specific aspects of the Samuel Bankman-Fried conspiracy aka a racket. If you are on the edge of your seat already, be aware that this should mean DOJ is looking into a RICO case. However, until then, let’s take a look at who is involved in this. Because the fact is, a conspiracy requires more than one person to commit it. In this case, we know at least (3) of the players who have been obviously involved.

SBF – The Front Man

He’s not talented. Not particularly smart. Can’t code. Probably didn’t even work at Jane Street if we’re being honest. Likely has no legitimate degree from MIT. The math camp thing might even be overstated. I mean the kid’s whole life is a lie. That’s because he was raised by scam artists. You can tell that this kid doesn’t even dress himself, let alone make real decisions on his own. But he was charismatic enough bullshitting about fake money, and just devious enough to do what it took to play.

Poppa Bankman & Momma Fried – The Puppet Masters

As any son or daughter of extremely malicious, controlling Jewish parents knows, you either are with them, or against them. In the case of Samuel, he is clearly with his parents. They are paying his legal bills right now (admittedly) and have clearly supported him with ways around regulatory compliance. But these two Stanford brains are not financially savvy on their own. For that it’s clear they somehow initiated friendships and working relationships with the likes of many others in the market.

Kevin O’Leary – The Dumb Smart Money Man

Once a Shark, now just chum bait. Kevin O’Leary literally bought in, as an equity investor in FTX (which included West Realm Shire Services according to press releases at the time). He was also compensated (in cryptocurrencies, so not really) to be a spokesperson. It seems like O’Leary is also behind the fake bankruptcy, bringing in “John J. Ray III” who is a complete & total fraud. This is not the man who had anything to do with Enron whatsoever. That person admitted he’s not involved.

Caroline, Gary, Others – Underlings & Red Herrings

Every person involved with FTX including a majority of their “customers” or partners, all knew (or should have known) that this is a fraud. There is no way to participate in the cryptocurrency economy without being involved in a scam. It is a scam. This can be explained in any number of ways, and there are so many reasons to hate everything about it. But regardless, people below Samuel Bankman-Fired are definitely not in the know about what was going on there. They think they are, but they were not.

Catching The Mastermind Group

I’ve attempted to help as an anonymous person for too long without even so much as being credited by journalists all of whom think they’re getting their money back from this massive racket. I guess they’ve never been completely snookered by crooks before. It’ll be a lesson learned. In the meantime, for the people who know better, remind yourself that everybody involved here is functionally retarded. They aren’t sophisticated enough to come up with all the levels of con required to manufacture this thing.

SBF knew enough about crypto, had enough nerd friends to get involved, and was under the mind control of his parents. That’s why he was an easy front-man and subsequent fall-guy. The only way he’s getting out of this now is to ditch his abusive parents and throw them under the bus they built for him. By doing so, that would force his parents to play dumb & ignorant, and that’s why O’Leary lurked out from his ant hill. But even O’Leary revealed he’s too dumb to recognize when he is also in a sucker seat.

I can’t say that at this time I know who is at the very top of whatever this heap is, however, I do know that I’m a few steps ahead of the authorities. It’s possible that I even know more than the above conspirators but won’t get ahead of myself here. The point is, if you’re reading this, know that you have just scraped the surface of what’s happening here. Forget about politics. It’s much deeper than that. You’re dealing now with people who have known for 50+ years that politics are simply a sport for the less intelligent.

When you’re operating in the multi-billion dollar scam world, you pay off whoever you need to. Register with whatever party you have to. Say whatever to whoever whenever. Lying isn’t part of their equation. It is not about morality or amorality. Some are brainwashed to believe they truly are doing something good in the world. Others have been convinced they will just attain whatever self-indulgent whims they’ve constructed for themselves. At the highest level of this kind of scheme, it’s mostly just nihilistic.

Why I Won’t Say Any More (Yet)

At this point I’ve: blown up FTX, exposed the fake John J. Ray III, alerted nearly every potential creditor’s bank across the country, helped set up the wire fraud related SDNY complaint & SEC complaint, shared my findings with every journalistic outlet of record on finance, and protested on the street risking arrest.

For this, I’ve had my work/results/credit stolen by CoinDesk & others reporters, been ignored by the press and authorities, had the acknowledgement of my existence suppressed, and have had my business impacted by others standing in front of me metaphorically speaking. Yet I’m breaking all the real news.

Not only that, I’m making the news happen. Even the media couldn’t outrun the complaints recently filed all at one time. The resulting arrest has no footage. Why? Because the press wasn’t paid to produce it. It was not something the Bankman-Fried family wanted seen.

But there is probably a picture of him somewhere in cuffs.

At this point, I should be paid, protected, and acknowledged.

The fake John J. Ray III is getting paid. SBF got paid. Journalists got paid. Congress gets paid. Why the fuck exactly should I not be paid? I’m the only one actually getting the real information out, and alerting people whose money was stolen to get it back. Maybe soon.

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