
Crypto = Dead Dough, Can’t Make Bread With It

Crypto = dead because it was never alive. The fundamental, technological underpinnings of having a computer generate random patterns, and having other computers figure out those patterns, is a game. It would be better if Bitcoin were a game, not a currency. Notice, there is absolutely no meritocracy in any cryptocurrency discussion. That’s part of their joy in talking about it. Nobody is special, everybody is equally the same, and a decentralized world they think makes all of that possible. You don’t earn any more Bitcoin (or whatever crypto you want) by being good at sales, marketing, business development, design, management, or anything useful to society. It is a completely empty, meaningless activity.

Crypto = dead because it’s yet another phony technological concept that won’t reach mass adoption because it’s destructive to begin with. There may be times when encrypted payments, or serialized bills might be useful. But there is absolutely no need to gamble on the synthetic nothingness of things like Bitcoin. It’s stupid, too, by the way. If you strip away all the financial problems, the societal deconstruction, and everything else. Bitcoin is fucking lame. People that are into it are too.

It’s not unique, interesting, or novel. You’re living in a divergent 1985 like Marty McFly, with no Doc Brown to snap you out of it. The only thing to do with this entire dumb category is obliterate it. Everybody that was involved in it should live in shame for 3-4 years while they recollect themselves from the financial ruin which they brought upon themselves. Anybody on the side of people who are involved in these businesses should protect themselves accordingly. The metaphorical bombs won’t stop.

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