
Do You Want To Become Immune To COVID-19 Or Do You Love Hearing About It 24/7 Still?

If you want to become immune to COVID-19 you have to first believe that is possible. Too many people have resigned themselves to the notion that we must always live with this thing. It has been largely due to those financial interests which are invested literally, in the perpetuation of COVID-19 treatments. The pharmaceutical industry is an obvious one, but there are so many non-profits, fundraising businesses, and media companies which were built on COVID-19. They would not want this to be cured if it could.

To become immune to COVID-19 you have to be willing to admit you were wrong. About a lot of things for a long time. That is hard to do. Most people would literally rather die than admit something like that simply, and plainly. It mortifies people to a degree that is soul-crushing rather than even physically threatening. That’s why you’re seeing people thrash & writhe over the very notion of the “pandemic” being officially over – whatever that might mean. The US is busy blaming China for dragging it out.

Even Saying COVID Will Keep It ALIVE

“Zero COVID” is the right idea, first of all. A language barrier may actually be linguistically programming the Chinese, and the rest of the world, to act out in a confused fashion. At this point I think it’s hard to imagine anybody genuinely wanting life to remain revolving around COVID-19. In fact, I do pray this is officially the last I’ll ever have to publish content on the subject until I’m finally asked how I figured it all out originally and what it took to hold on to this belief through the biggest infodemic in human history.

Break down COVID-19…one more time. “Coronavirus disease discovered in 2019.” There are thousands of coronaviruses. So from the first word, it’s non-descriptive. The list of diseases that can be caused by coronaviruses is also innumerable, including many distinct iterations. Knowing what year a virus or disease was named tells you absolutely nothing about it. Now, take yourself back to the first time you heard the word “COVID-19.” When you asked “is it dangerous?” Do you know what you were told?

“We don’t know.” Because nobody knew what the hell anybody was talking about. The word COVID-19 does not fit any medical, scientific, or technical jargon known to man. That, is also the most novel thing about the entirety of the “pandemic.” Everything could have been cleared up with simply correcting somebody in power, potentially even as well regarded as Fauci once was. But people are so afraid of standing out against the crowd, that billions of people fell in line with a typographical error – as fact.

That typographical error – as fact – was marketed to millions of Americans as a solid market investing strategy. Therein lies the crux of why people are still pretending like they don’t know what’s going on here. To become immune to COVID-19 though, you have to allow these facts to settle in, and start interrupting your speech. Do not talk about a pandemic in this context ever again. That’s not what happened. No new virus was discovered in 2019. If there was such a new virus, it was not novel enough to warrant any attention from the public. If 0 attention were granted to COVID-19, hundreds of thousands of lives would have been saved, and the mental health of the world would have been improved.

Listen & Learn

When people test positive for COVID-19 they are actually testing positive for things we knew about decades ago such as SARS-CoV, RSV, and influenza A or B. Imagine a collateralized debt obligation like in the housing crisis, except instead of being full of houses, it’s almost useless patents for vaccines. The companies that produced those soon-to-be-expired or presently-totally-saturated products needed to package them all under some new name(s) in order to force sales in the market. All those things were then collected into some version of a CDO and then called COVID-19. A blanket term for many things.

Sort of like COPD, which is a blanket term that encompasses (2) distinct illnesses. In the case of COPD nobody is confused about how or why it happens, though, and you cannot exactly catch it accidentally from not being inoculated. Or how Autism encompasses many neurological conditions and psychological disorders in one. These kinds of categories often make it difficult, or actually impossible, to get people relief they need from what ails them. In the case of COVID-19, it actually killed way too many people.

Part of the trouble what it takes to become immune to COVID-19 is readdressing very painful moments of grief, like the loss of family members you thought died of COVID-19. You have solidified in your grieving process what you thought happened, and even if it’s a lie, you won’t give it up. That is a completely typical, but ultimately self-defeating type of defense mechanism. If you can’t handle addressing everything about your past misunderstanding or blindness, you still must learn to see.

First of all, taking things out of your language will help get on the right track. Instead of even talking about COVID-19, insist that people tell you specifically what virus you’re talking about. Also, cut it out about the lab-leak theories. There was no reason to invent any real virus if the powers that be can convince the world with words alone. You really need to understand that. When people want to exercise absolute control over you, if they can do it with words alone, it’s much more profitable. Imagine having to actually invent your way out of a legitimate pandemic. If COVID-19 were a simulation we’d have all failed.

It Works To Ignore COVID-19 Entirely

I have personally saved at least (1) life with this linguistic rigor, as well as medical diligence, and demanding accountability from hospital staff. It involved threatening to family members that I would be willing to get arrested to prove this point, and everybody quickly dropped their near-lethal act. This particular hospital in rural Pennsylvania said the family member I helped save is the only person to come off life support (aka ventilator) in the 2-3 years they have been mistreating people this way. Nurses and doctors were behaving like they didn’t even know common sense, like reading the manuals of machines.

How many people went into a hospital with a common cold, and ended up with bacterial pneumonia which landed them on a ventilator (horrible idea) on the wrong drugs? Millions. Tens of thousands died who should have been easily kept alive. Therefore you have to become immune to COVID-19 before somebody uses it to kill you. Because that is exactly how it is used, for financial fraud & violence.

Passive aggressive violence, perhaps, but it can definitely kill people – and has.

What’s more disgusting about all of this, is the fact that those in charge of such horrible operations get rewarded with promotions. Rachel Levine, for example, got elevated out of the Pennsylvania system where he was responsible for implementing these deadly policies. This man is responsible for the unnecessary deaths of so many people it should make you sick in the stomach.

Become immune to COVID-19 by reading up on whatever vaccines you actually consumed. Some of them were built off of coronaviruses, others were not. Millions of people never got protected against SARS and they may well have actually contracted it somehow. Other people got protected against SARS which is much more rare, and not as lethal as it was in 2002, but they ended up with flus that sent them to hospitals which killed them or injured them. Families won’t file malpractice suits, for political reasons.

If people would rather die themselves, than admit they were wrong, they’ll definitely kill you over it.

COVID-19 Can’t Hurt Me Unless People Are Using It Against Me

But I have become immune to COVID-19. Never tested positive. Haven’t had any symptoms. Didn’t let “it” stop me from socializing when I was able to, and I’ve been in contact with thousands of people without so much as feeling respiratory uneasiness outside of occasional stress from dealing with deranged lunatics who think an invisible enemy is attacking the world. You got hit with a War of the Worlds level psy-op that happened by accident because of arrogant people & sycophantic cowards.

But you can become immune to COVID-19 too. If you choose to.

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